Bilingual Play Premiere

Tonight the Virtual Arts New Play Festival opens with my microplay LETTER TO A CLONE MANUFACTURER performed in both English and Spanish! We invite you to watch the 10 minute tale of timeless relationship dynamics and futuristic “clonepanionship”…—and then take a second look—to see how the story metamorphosizes in my Latinx Spanish translation.

LETTER TO A CLONE MANUFACTURER Directed in English by Romeo Lopez 

CARTA A UN FABRICANTE DE CLONES Dirigida en Español por Adriana Chavez 

Presented live on Zoom

Friday, Feb 21, 7pm PST (10pm EST): Letter to a Clone Manufacturer by Gigi Guizado, immediately followed by Carta a un Fabricante de Clones by Gigi Guizado

*Replay on Saturday, Feb 22, 10am PST (1pm EST)

Tickets at