August is Women in Translation month; a time for focusing on women writers whose work has been translated into other languages. Writers like Gabriela Yepes (Peruvian Spanish) whose play, The Therapist, I translated into (American) English. Or Mariana de Althaus who’s play, The Language of Mermaids, translated by Mary Ann Vargas, I performed in during Out of the Wings Festival 2018.
At the opening symposium to the festival, I met Rita Sebestyén of othernessproject.org. We chatted about our common interests and kept in touch.
This #WITmonth, Dr. Sebestyén has made me a Woman in Translation! She has translated my one-act play, Letter to a Clone Manufacturer, into Hungarian for London-based othernessproject.org.

Join us online September 25th for the big reveal! Tickets at Eventbrite.
This short play written by Gigi Guizado tackles gender and power-issues in a situation set on the verge of the post Anthropocene world. In spite of the grim topic, the irony and the possible plot-twists will save us from immersing ourselves into dystopia.
R. J. Sebestyén