My next project is The Vagina Monologues!
Charles Isherwood, The New York Times, Sept 3, 2006
“probably the most important piece of political theater of the last decade”
Coming to Las Vegas on Feb. 14-16, The Vagina Monologues is a play written by Eve Ensler about women’s views on sex, relationships, and violence against women, brought to life by women from our community. I’ll be part of the event, sharing my voice to those stories. If you’re free, come support a great cause.

Click here for tickets :
V-DAY Vegas 2019 is proud to present Eve Ensler’s Award Winning, The Vagina Monologues February 14-16 at The Space. We will bring together a diverse group of performers, personalities, and fierce women for positive, encouraging, and informative evenings of feminine celebration. V-DAY Vegas 2019 will raise funds to Las Vegas Community women’s support groups: The Rape Crisis Center, Dress for Success, and Yoga Haven.
Join us as we celebrate unity and empower our community to end violence against women and girls in Las Vegas. The moment is now.
Tickets & Info at
#thevaginamonologues #womensupportingwomen #women #womenempoweringwomen #girlboss #bosslady #createchange #representationmatters #theater #activism #vegas #vegaslocal #vegastheater