Happy International Translation Day! A dream nearly 30 years in the making has come to fruition. As a precocious teenaged college student, I proposed translating “Complemento” by Rafael Guizado for a project in my Theatre History class. My professor, being unfamiliar with the Colombian play and author, turned me down and redirected me to “the masters of modern drama”. Over the years, I have asked myself why Latin American theatre was discussed so minimally in my education. When I finally embarked on the journey of translating, I asked myself why so few plays from Latin America had been translated into English.
Last week at UNLV, before a class who are learning script analysis by studying my translation of “Scherzo” by Rafael Guizado, I had the joy of responding to those questions. Thank you, Sarah O’Connell, for diversifying the curriculum to reflect the student body and the contributions of Latinx playwrights. Thank you, UNLV students, for the rich and engaging discussion. I look forward to your projects!

SCHERZO has been a fantastic tool for teaching the principles of script analysis.
Sarah O’Connell, Adjunct Faculty, UNLV Department of Theatre

Thank you so much for giving the class a fabulous experience, Gigi!
Sarah O’Connell, Adjunct Faculty, UNLV Department of Theatre